Sunday, March 12, 2017

Thank you Lord

Song by Bob Becker, Region 1 - Posted on behalf of Ravindran Sundar

You are the heavens and you are the seas
You are the mountains and Lord you are me

Thank you Lord for being me
For this time on earth, for this breath that I breathe
Thank you Lord for my trials and tests
For this chance to be free from birth and death
Thank you Lord for being me

Each of us waves on thy loving sea.
Rising and falling by the Grace of thee
Drawn to thy shores to serve and to Love
All of thy children - All faiths and all forms

Thank you Lord for being me ...

Honoring Thee is to Love all creation
Compassion and service shall be our salvation
Nurturing – sheltering – showering Love
Makes us the essence thou art made of

Thank you Lord for being me...

You are the heavens and you are the seas
You are the mountains and Lord you are me

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